A downloadable game

This is a short rogue-like where you play as a lil cat in space!

Currently there are only four areas until the end of the demo, but each one has its respective theme, enemies, and bosses! Each area is made of pre-made rooms randomly selected to be put into a map, like your typical rogue-like. It's got shops, stat upgrades, and different accessories that upgrade you in their own unique ways, too!

If you end up playing (which you really should because this game is soooo epic) then let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it! I greatly appreciate any feedback (good and bad) or advice that you have for the game. Or, if ya just wanna say  hi, then feel free to do so! :D

Also, if you experience any bugs or glitches, then please let me know so that I can work to fix them. Thanks, and have fun!


I also have a Tik Tok account where you can get updates on how the game is going and what I'm adding. Although if you're reading this, you probably came from there lol. 

Tik Tok link:  https://www.tiktok.com/@legamingdev?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

I have a discord as well if you would be interested in joining that to better get in contact with me about game suggestions n' stuff, or to just chat with the community: 

Discord link:  https://discord.gg/kGVxybWn


- Famicon for the game's awesome thumbnail!

- okpermabaconbrufr and Juice for the soundtrack of the game! They did an amazing job, and I can't be more happy for them.

- Dotty Forager of the Farts for the amazing support from the very beginning, and for being a great friend! :)

- Everyone else who supported me on my TikTok and Discord throughout the development of the game, and also you for playing! Seriously though, I really do appreciate all of you, way more than I can put into words. Thank you all so much for everything throughout the past months. :D


Cats and Cosmos.zip 69 MB


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12/10 would recommend! <3


I recommend adding a tutorial or something, because i feel like im missing something; i have no idea what the blue bar is for but overall its a fun and kinda hard game

done! :D


man this game is pretty epic if I do say so meself